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One of the key aspects of the financialization process in the United States is the increasing participation of the financial sector in the total economy. This process took place from the beginning of the 1980s up to the 2008 recession. It can be measured as the share of profits of financial corporations in the total corporate business profits. Some authors have associated this higher share of profits for the financial sector with a higher rate of profit for this sector during this period. However, theoretically, having a higher profit rate in a sector of the economy is not sustainable for long periods, given the possibility of capital mobility. More capital will flow into that sector, looking for higher rates of return, generating pressure on profit rate equalization. Using newly available data for US financial and nonfinancial corporations and a growth decomposition analysis, this paper looks to answer how much of that higher share of profits that was captured by the financial sector responds to a sustained higher rate of profit of financial corporations and how much to a higher capital accumulation in this sector.